• Mandarin Szalon, Cegléd

  • Ceglédi Önkormányzat

  • Clemens Optika, Cegléd

Company History

Our founder György Trnovszki started his career as an individual contractor in 1992. As a certified master electrician, he layed down the bases of our business with two colleagues. Later on as the client base kept expanding dynamicly, it became necessary to serve their needs with more professional workforce involved, in a different business form. So in 2001 Villanyász Limited was established by our founder and his wife Ms. Györgyné Trnovszki as partner. In the beginning, the founder’s home served as base of operations, where they prepared a workshop, office space and garage.

During the years, we made sure to meet the new and ever changing professional challenges with constant development and trainings. Thanks to that, today we have finely trained and experienced colleagues working with excellent vehicles and tools.

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Our services

Industrial Solutions

We know all the tasks, problems and solutions specific to the segment.

Family Estates

We build family homes and apartment buildings for individuals and businesses.


We undertake full or partial electrical maintenance of industrial facilities, relocation of machinery and equipment.

General activity

If required, we can also help you plan and design the lighting or electrical system.